Sep 30, 2010

Organic plants for you

On the porch in early April, some 'before' shots. This is broccoli.

I'm eating this ornamental kale 'cause I love the colors.

A speckled lettuce.

The most bodacious spinach growing in the Earth Box again. I've been eating this since March, so good.


Organic Soya drink

Susu Kedele Organik MELILEA

New Seventh Generation Coupons

Seventh Generation has updated their coupons. Here are the current ones:
  • $1/1 Seventh Generation Household or Personal Care Product
  • $1/1 Seventh Generation Laundry Product
  • $1/1 Seventh Generation Diapers, Wipes or Training Pants
  • $2/2 Seventh Generation Product

Sep 26, 2010

Bolthouse Farms Review And Giveaway

I am always on the lookout for anything that is healthy. So, when my mom and I discovered bolthouse farms we were so pleased. The first beverage I tried from bolthouse farms was their mocha cappuchino, and I was hooked ever since. I always pride myself on being not addicted to anything, but that went out the window once I tried bolthouse farms. The above pictures are some of my favorite bolthouse farms beverages, since I couldn't get a picture of all of them at once. Everyone that I have tried I have liked. They are so delicious, and they are healthy. I could drink one every single day. The whole family can enjoy these drinks. There are so many drinks on the market that contain loads and loads of sugar. With bolthouse farms drinks you don't have to worry about that. I feel confident that when I drink bolthouse farms drinks I am truly getting the best. The taste reflects that. Before, I tried mocha cappuchino I admit, I really wasn't into coffee products, but I liked mocha cappuchino so much I decided to try starbucks. Let me tell you there was no competition. Starbucks cappuchino didn't even come close to bolthouse's mocha cappuchino.

Bolthouse Farms is coming out with new products. They now have salad dressings and I noticed that they have two new drinks out. One is called, passion orange guava and 100% pomengranate. If you haven't tried any of bolthouse farms products I highly recommend you do. Especially if you are looking for great nutritious and natural products. You can check them out at their website at Bolthouse Farms.

Bolthouse Farms is offering one of my lucky readers coupons for their Bolthouse beverage products.

How To Enter This Giveaway!- Please leave individual comments for each of the following below. Also, be sure to leave your email address so that I can contact you if you are the winner.

1. Tell me what you liked about this product or if you haven't tried it what reason that you would like to try this product.

Bonus Points:

2. Subscribe to this blog and leave a comment telling me you have done so.
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4. Retweeting this post.
5. Share this blog post with your facebook friends.
6. Blog about this giveaway linking to this giveaway.
7. Follow me on google friend connect.
8. Comment on any other post on this blog. Leave link where comment can be found.

This giveaway will run through July 7, 2010 to July 25, 2010. I will choose a winner from all the valid entries that were submitted. The winner will be notified via email and have 48 hrs. to contact me with their mailing information before another winner will be chosen. This giveaway is open to U.S. residents only ages 18 yrs. or older.

Thanks for reading and entering this review and giveaway!

Potatoes and Human Health, Part I

Over 10,000 years ago, on the shores of lake Titicaca in what is now Peru, a culture began to cultivate a species of wild potato, Solanum tuberosum. They gradually transformed it into a plant that efficiently produces roundish starchy tubers, in a variety of strains that suited the climactic and gastronomic needs of various populations. These early farmers could not have understood at the time that the plant they were selecting would become the most productive crop in the world*, and eventually feed billions of people around the globe.

Wild potatoes, which were likely consumed by hunter-gatherers before domestication, are higher in toxic glycoalkaloids. These are defensive compounds that protect against insects, infections and... hungry animals. Early farmers selected varieties that are low in bitter glycoalkaloids, which are the ancestors of most modern potatoes, however they didn't abandon the high-glycoalkaloid varieties. These were hardier and more tolerant of high altitudes, cold temperatures and pests. Cultures living high in the Andes developed a method to take advantage of these hardy but toxic potatoes, as well as their own harsh climate: they invented chuños. These are made by leaving potatoes out in the open, where they are frozen at night, stomped underfoot and dried in the sun for many days**. What results is a dried potato with a low glycoalkaloid content that can be stored for a year or more.

Nutritional Qualities

From a nutritional standpoint, potatoes are a mixed bag. On one hand, if I had to pick a single food to eat exclusively for a while, potatoes would be high on the list. One reason is that they contain an adequate amount of complete protein, meaning they don't have to be mixed with another protein source as with grains and legumes. Another reason is that a number of cultures throughout history have successfully relied on the potato as their principal source of calories, and several continue to do so. A third reason is that they're eaten in an unrefined, fresh state.

Potatoes contain an adequate amount of many essential minerals, and due to their low phytic acid content (1), the minerals they contain are well absorbed. They're rich in magnesium and copper, two minerals that are important for insulin sensitivity and cardiovascular health (2, 3). They're also high in potassium and vitamin C. Overall, they have a micronutrient content that compares favorably with other starchy root vegetables such as taro and cassava (4, 5, 6). Due to their very low fat content, potatoes contain virtually no omega-6, and thus do not contribute to an excess of these essential fatty acids.

On the other hand, I don't have to eat potatoes exclusively, so what do they have to offer a mixed diet? They have a high glycemic index, which means they raise blood sugar more than an equivalent serving of most carbohydrate foods, although I'm not convinced that's a problem in people with good blood sugar control (7, 8). They're low-ish in fiber, which could hypothetically lead to a reduction in the number and diversity of gut bacteria in the absence of other fiber sources. Sweet potatoes, an unrelated species, contain more micronutrients and fiber, and have been a central food source for healthy cultures (9). However, the main reasons temperate-climate cultures throughout the world eat potatoes is they yield well, they're easily digested, they fill you up and they taste good.

In the next post, I'll delve into the biology and toxicology of potato glycoalkaloids, and review some animal data. In further posts, I'll address the most important question of all: what happens when a person eats mostly potatoes... for months, years, and generations?

* In terms of calories produced per acre.

** A simplified description. The process can actually be rather involved, with several different drying, stomping and leaching steps.

Sep 25, 2010

The China Study on Wheat

Denise Minger has just put up another great China Study post that's worth reading if you haven't already. Denise has been busy applying her statistics skills to the mountain of data the study collected. She noted in a previous post that wheat intake was strongly associated with coronary heart disease (CHD), the quintessential modern cardiovascular disease. I, and several other people, requested that she work her mathmagic to see if the association could be due to some other factor. For example, wheat is eaten mostly in the Northern regions of China, and CHD rates are generally higher at higher latitudes (vitamin D insufficiency?). This is true in Europe as well, and may be partly responsible for the purported benefits of the Mediterranean diet. You can mathematically determine if the association between wheat and CHD is simply due to the fact that wheat eaters live further North.

To make a long story short, nothing could explain the association except wheat itself, even latitude. Furthermore, she found a strong association between wheat intake and body mass index, typically a predictor of fat mass although we can't say that for sure. That finding echos a previous study in China where wheat eaters were more likely to be overweight than rice eaters (1, 2). Head over to Denise's post for the full story.

The China Study has major limitations built into its basic design, due to the fact that it was observational and pooled the blood samples of many individuals. Therefore, its findings can never prove anything, they can only suggest or be consistent with hypotheses. However, the study also has some unique advantages, such as a diversity of diets and regions, and the fact that people had presumably been eating a similar diet for a long time. I feel that Denise's efforts are really teasing out some useful information from the study that have been de-emphasized by other investigators.

There has been so little serious investigation into the health effects of wheat in the general population that I have to rely mostly on indirect evidence, such as the observation that the diseases of civilization tend to closely follow the introduction of white flour around the globe. Researchers studying celiac disease and other forms of gluten allergy, and the efforts of the paleolithic diet community in spreading that information (for example, Loren Cordain and Pedro Bastos), have been major contributors to understanding the health effects of wheat. Denise's analysis is one of the strongest pieces of evidence I've come by so far. One of these days, I'll post all of my references incriminating wheat. There are quite a few, although none of them is the smoking gun. I think there's enough indirect evidence that investigators should begin taking the idea seriously that wheat, particularly in the form of industrial flour products, may contribute to chronic disease in more than just a small subset of the population.

10 Tactics Sweet Child Overcome picky eater

You do not easily upset or hurt, when facing toddler picky eater. Fatigue you already made food, but then did not eat. Ideally, this would make you up the challenge to be creative and varied menu of different ways of eating. Here are 10 tricks you can try telling that practice:

* Tray of different colors. Serve small pieces of different kinds of fruit, snack foods, cakes, etc. on a tray that interesting.
* Dipped. This is one way to eat your favorite child-ana. For example, a biscuit dipped in milk first before entering the mouth.
* Dabbed. Apply it first thing in the top surface of the food. For example, ajaridia butter, jam, fruit jam kacangatau on a piece of bread, biscuits or krekers.

* Straws. Encourage children to make different smoothies, fruit juice mixed with milk or cream wheep, and serve with a straw. Beep sruput suction caused a sensation that makes children enthusiastic.
* Mini is more. Cut a variety of foods in a variety of interesting shapes and sized mini. For example, a mini sandwich with triangles and rectangles, then given a toothpick ornaments
* Decorated. Every toddler, who at least hooked makanpun, would be tempted to taste when I saw the decorated food interesting.
* Dining together. Invite your friends Your Toddler, or nephew (what else is hooked to eat) to accompany children to eat. Usually, this will change the attitude of children who love food picky.
* Provide in small portions, because the stomach is small.
* Involve the cook (start of the process of shopping, preparation, to presentation). He will be more appetizing taste his own.
* Change menu. For example, the original fried rice for breakfast, exchanged for the dinner menu. Then, pizza for breakfast, and puddings and fruit juices for lunch. Importantly, the calorie needs are met.

Picky eater tips facing child
* Make sure children meikmati balanced nutrition with meals containing protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals.
* Vary the foods so that children do not get bored and get to know new foods.
* Make a habit of eating together for the child eat a good example moved from parents.

source: website Ayahbunda

Cleanse Your Colon Naturally

Save 15% on orders of $75 or more! Use code A15P at checkout. Valid thru 9/20. Limit 1 per customer. Cannot be combined with any other offers.

Colon cleansing should be done at least once a year. Some people say that drinking lots of water and eating any fruits and vegetables is enough to clean the colon. I am an advocate of drinking lots of water and eating lots of water eating lots of vegetables. However, I do not think that is enough. Many people do not drink enough water nor, do they eat lots of fruits and vegetables. I do not think that taking a colon cleanse is a substitute for drinking water and eating fruits and vegetables. A colon cleanse should assist your eating habits. Especially if they are healthy. Not become a substitute for them. On the other hand you have people who do drink lots of water and they eats fruits and vegetables but, they didn't always used to. Because, they didn't always eat healthy they may have feces backed up in their intestines. Also, the food we eat contains chemicals. Even though we do our best to eat healthy and avoid them, we still are probably digesting some of them. Colon cleansing is a great way to help cleanse the colon.

A colon cleanse is usually just a blend of herbs such as psyllium husks, senna, and fennel seed. Ingredients may vary depending upon which colon cleanse program you decide to use.

Who should take a colon cleanse

I believe everyone should take a colon cleanse unless you have been on a diet of nothing but fruits and vegetables you need to take a colon cleanse. There are symptoms that you may have that taking a colon cleanse becomes an urgency:

If you have problems with constipation and it is painful for you to move your bowels and you are in the bathroom for long periods at a time.

If you haven't moved your bowels in over a week or more.

If you are suffering from gas.

If you have acne.

If you are feeling bloated.

If your metabolism is slow.

If you have a pot belly.

If you feel that you are not moving your bowels completely.

If you are overweight.

If you are feeling tired and sluggish.

What a colon cleanse is not

A colon cleanse is not a laxative

The difference between a colon cleanse is a colon cleanse is natural and it works to rid the colon of toxins that have built up over the years by restoring the digestive system to good health. A laxative is usually pharmaceutical chemicals drugs that are over- the- counter prescription medications that are meant for you to get quick results. Many times people become addicted to them because they use them everytime they have constipation problems instead of changing one's diet.

I highly recommend everyone do a colon cleanse at least once a year. Just to help with the cleaning of the colon. Usually intestinal diseases come from built-up of toxins in the colon.

Take the steps toward feeling better and having a healthy colon. You will feel a whole lot better once your colon is clean. Trust me.

To help keep your colon clean. I suggest you try Natura Colonix and start cleansing your colon naturally today!